When Panasonic systems appear in system diagrams, they are blocked, and the chronometer's LED light will pulsate on the front dial.
If this climate device with a multisplit supply system, then it is necessary to decode the code abbreviations of faults in a separate order.
(H00) - No violations found
(H11) - There is no interaction between the outdoor and plug-in unit, the management boards do not work
(Н12) - violation of parameters of power characteristics between the external and plug-in unit
(Н14) - the detector of giving of air weights is faulty
(Н15) - violation of the operation mode of the temperature detector of the compressor unit
(H16) - low current consumption by the outdoor unit - lack of cooler, open circuit, failure of the external module board, malfunction of the IPM device of the power type
(Н17) - violation of the operating mode of the temperature detector on the suction side of the cooler
(H19) - violation of the operating mode of the fan motor of the built-in unit - possible objects: power plant, board or wiring connector.
(H21) - the drainage system or the float type detector is defective
(Н23) - the detector of a temperature mode of the evaporator N1 is faulty
(Н24) - the detector of a temperature mode of the evaporator N2 is faulty
(Н25) - the block of distribution of ionization radiation or the built-in unit board are subject to repair
(Н26) - device - ionizer
(Н27) - street temperature detector is defective
(Н28) - the detector of a temperature mode of condenser N1 is faulty
(Н30) - the detector of a temperature mode of a delivery is faulty
(Н32) - the detector of a temperature mode on an output cascade of the condenser is faulty
(Н33) -accuracy of connecting blocks
(H34) -the detector of the temperature regime of the cooling system is defective
(H35) -sorption of the drainage system, pump defect (R motor windings - about 0.2 KΩ)
(Н36) - the detector of a temperature mode of a tube of gas submission of the external block is faulty
(Н37) - the detector of a temperature mode the gauge of a tube for delivery of a liquid of the external block is faulty
(Н38) - violation of compliance of external and built-in units
(H39) - violation of the mode of connecting the wires and circuits of multi-split systems, the defect of the solenoid valve of the external unit
(H41) - violation of the mode of connecting the wires and pipelines of the cooler
(Н50) - malfunction of the fan motor or its board
(H51) - clogging of the output system
(H52) - defect of the cut-off system
(Н58) - defect of the block system "Patrol Sensor"
(H64) - high-pressure detector detector defect
(H97) - compressor motor defect, integrated circuit board
(Н98) - violation of the protective functions of the built-in unit from overheating in the mode of thermal radiation (high pressure), weak heat radiation from the heat exchanger of the built-in unit, defect of the detector
(Н99) - the device - the evaporator was covered with ice
(F11) - the operating parameters of the 4-way valve
(F17) - formation of ice on the built-in unit in standby mode, the error appears on the frozen block
(F90) - various defects of the compressor windings, defect in the inverter board
(F91) - the violation of the operating parameters of the refrigeration system circuit, the use of protective functions for low pressure
(F93) - various defects of the compressor windings, defect of the inverter board
(F94) -the need to introduce protective functions due to increased injection
(F95) - Excess heating temperature of the external unit heat exchanger
(F96) - excess of temperature of heating of the engine compartment, for multi-split systems - activation of a temperature sensor
(F97) - the compressor's heating temperature is exceeded
(F98) - introduction of protective functions for the total consumed electricity
(F99) - the error of the DC protective system, possible situations: compressor failure, defect of the transistor system, current detector of the outdoor unit board, low resistance of compressor windings.