In 1982, a young engineer Olbak Holger, a Swedish-born German, opened a small company in Dortmund, the design office of RÖDA GmbH (Röda in Swedish "red"), which developed innovative gas burners for various heating equipment. The product turned out to be highly technological and competitive and in a few years many well-known manufacturers completed their boilers with new RÖDA burners that had already become a classic in the Smart series. A year later RÖDA becomes a trademark.
In 1988, the world's manufacturer Buderus Heiztechnik GmbH ordered a young company to develop burners of the "Jet-Max" series. This cooperation became crucial for the company: at the international exhibition "Plumbing Heating Climate" (ISH) in Frankfurt, the low-temperature heating boiler under the brand name "Ecomatic" with the "Jet-Max" burner set new criteria for the whole industry.
Since 1997, the company has been selling the rights to use its trademark for the production of various heating and air conditioning equipment, which allows the RÖDA brand to successfully conquer global markets.
In 2000, RÖDA was bought out by the Roitz Investment Group, supported by Finance and the Initiative and the German bank IKB. RÖDA is controlled by 100% of financial institutions, but the controlling interest belongs to the "Roitz" group.
At the moment, TM RÖDA has enough financial support for the constant growth and launch of new original projects. At the same time, no less important issue is to ensure quality control and provide customers with reliable and trouble-free operation in production.