"Termet SA" is a successor of the traditions of the world-famous Gustav Becker factory. The plant, which in 1945 began to produce models of interior watches, eventually turned into a leading producer of gas appliances for the home.
In the early 50's, the company's product range was supplemented by condensers, brake for bicycles, parts for TV sets, tourist lighting and heating devices (lanterns, tiles). The turning point in the history of "Termet" was 1956, when the manufacture of gas water heaters was launched. Soon the production of gas heaters for bathrooms came out on top in the list of activities of the company. Among them - a unique heat exchanger for the water heater and other proprietary solutions of their own, which are the pride of "Termet".
As soon as gas began to be used to heat the premises, a further concept for the development of the enterprise - the production of gas heating boilers was determined. The development and modification of these devices, accompanied by a continuous expansion of production, took place in accordance with the trends in the development of heating equipment in Europe.
In addition to gas equipment, the plant "Termet" continued to produce control elements for dishwashers and washing machines, tourist equipment, soldering kits and burners for them.
Since the beginning of the 90s, the company has been focusing on the production of gas heating boilers. An important event in the history of the company was the privatization of the state enterprise Predom-Termet in 1996, followed by the creation of the joint-stock company Termet SA.
Today the company offers a wide range of different types of gas heating equipment. The main work of specialists is aimed at the production of wall and floor gas boilers and water heaters for domestic use.
At present, the functioning of Termet SA in the Ukrainian market is based on 3 segments:
The network of authorized distributors.
Authorized service network.
Network of authorized installers.